What exactly did he do to earn such love? Absolutely nothing. At that point in his young life, pretty much all he could do was eat, sleep, and poop. But I don't love him because of anything he does. I love him because of who he is. He's my grandson.
In that tender moment I came to understand that my Heavenly Father loves me much the same way. He doesn't love me because of the things I do. He loves me because of who I am. I'm His child. Made in His image. Bought with a very high price.
Our Heavenly Father loves His kids without condition and without exception. He doesn't withhold His love until we've proven ourselves lovable. He loves us even when we smell and fuss and need to be changed. He overflows with love for us. He loves us so much that there is nothing He wouldn't do for us.
When I need to be reassured, when I need to feel secure, when I need to be reminded that I have value and am deeply loved, I know what I have to do. I must place myself in my Father's arms.