The story is told about Frank Szymanski, a center for the Notre Dame football team, who in the 1940s was called as a witness in a civil suit in South Bend. “Are you on the Notre Dame football team this year?” the judge asked.
Szymanski replied, “Yes, your Honor.”
The judge asked, “What position?”
“Center, your honor,” came the response.
“How good a center?” asked the judge.
Szymanski squirmed in his seat, then said firmly, “I am the best center Notre Dame ever had.”
Coach Frank Leahy, who was in courtroom, was surprised by the answer of the usually modest, unassuming Szymanski. When the proceedings were over, the coach took Szymanski aside and asked why he made such a statement.
Szymanski blushed and said, “I hated to do it, Coach, but, after all, I was under oath.”
As children adopted by the Heavenly Father, we must be unabashedly confident in knowing who we are.
In His love letter to the world God brags about us. He calls us beloved. Says we’re His lambs. He makes it clear that He delights in being our Daddy; that He treasures spending time with us. He invites us to share with Him our dreams and desires, our problems and pain. He cares so much about us that He offers us love without condition and grace without exception. The Creator of the Universe is pleased to call you and me His own.
That is the truth and nothing but the truth. How would our lives be different if we walked boldly in that truth?