Our Father in Heaven not only invites us, but urges us to come to Him. It is not part of God's plan that we go it alone in this world. If we were created as self-sufficient beings we wouldn't need Him. So He offers us help on our journey. Help that only He can give.
When we are worn out from the despair of one thing after the next going wrong in our lives our Heavenly Father says, come to me. When we are overwhelmed with doubt that God could truly love us while allowing us to suffer heartache our Heavenly Father says, come to me. When we are burdened with discouragement because our prayers are seemingly going unanswered our Heavenly Father says, come to me.
This three-word directive paints a picture of a perfect father; a parent who is always there for His kids; a Daddy whose lap is always open, whose arms are always outstretched, whose tender comfort and empowering encouragement are always available. But our Perfect Father is not pushy. He doesn't force His way. We must come to Him.
And He makes a promise to all who do. It's not to take our problems away. It's not to make our worries disappear. It's not to simply give us what we think we need. He guarantees something far more beneficial: Rest for our souls.
A soul that is at rest has confidence that God controls every circumstance that we can't. A soul that is at rest has complete trust that while we know what we want, our Father knows what we need. A soul that is at rest does not get overwhelmed, does not blame, does not want to give up.
When we find that our burdens are too much for us to bear, we would be wise to take our Heavenly Father up on His offer: Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Matt. 11:28, NLT).