The Bible is basically the story of a Father pursuing a relationship with His children. Take a moment to consider that word: pursue. It means to follow; to chase; to hunt; to strive for. We don’t pursue something we merely have a mild interest in. We only pursue things that really matter. Now let me say it again: The Heavenly Father pursues a relationship with His children.
Some of us still blow that statement off faster than a campaign promise. That is an unfortunate result of either what we choose to believe about ourselves or what we choose to believe about God.
Tobey Maguire in Spiderman 3 offered these words of wisdom: “Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us we always have a choice. It’s the choices that make us who we are.”
Perhaps a more credible source of encouragement is Scottish minister and teacher J. Oswald Chambers who once said, “We are at this moment as close to God as we really choose to be.”
Choosing to believe that our Heavenly Father pursues us is also choosing to believe that we are worth being pursued; that God not only follows us, He chases after us; that He isn’t just mildly interested in a close relationship with us, He strives for it. Why? Because we matter.